Frequently Asked Questions

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy is a mode of medical treatment with an overall goal of relieving or eliminating pain, restoring mobility and function, and preventing the recurrence of pain and injury. Physical therapists use a medical, hands-on approach as well as equipment and other treatment modalities to achieve these goals. Our therapists at Physiocare Physical Therapy are medically trained experts in neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. We often work closely with physicians who refer patients to us, requesting physical therapy for their patients.

When is physical therapy needed?

Physical therapy is needed for patients recovering from injury and illness and to prevent injuries from recurring. A physical therapist can help whenever daily life has been altered due to an accident, chronic medical condition, poor posture, injury, or re-injury. At Physiocare, our physical therapy program can provide benefits to individuals with the following conditions plus many more:

  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle and myofascial pain
  • Strains
  • Sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • Weakness or loss of motion
  • Work-related injuries
  • Injuries sustained in a car accident
  • Osteoporosis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Stroke
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic pain
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Back and neck pain
  • Pre- and post-operative conditions
  • Balance disorders
Will physical therapy help me?

If you aren’t sure whether physical therapy is something that could help you, we will be happy to discuss your condition and determine whether it is a viable option for you. You may also want to discuss physical therapy with your physician. Because we are a direct-access facility, however, a referral from a doctor is not needed to receive treatment.

Does it hurt?

Physical therapy is meant to relieve pain. When working with patients to restore mobility, however, pain levels often fluctuate. You may experience temporary soreness from using muscles that are being re-strengthened, which is normal. You can always communicate freely with our Physiocare specialists about any discomfort you are experiencing. Our goal is to help you get relief from pain as quickly as possible so that you can return to normal, pain-free activities.

Is physical therapy covered by my insurance?

In most cases, physical therapy is covered by medical insurance. Feel free to give us a call at Physiocare, where our office staff will happily assist you in contacting your insurance company to determine your coverage on your insurance policy. For your convenience, we offer various payment options.

What if I am uninsured?

Patients who are not covered by insurance can make arrangements to pay for physical therapy at Physiocare with cash; there are various cash-pay options.

How long do physical therapy sessions last?

We schedule 1 hour for first sessions. After the initial visit, sessions vary based on treatment plan. The time is based on each patient’s specific needs.

How many physical therapy sessions will I have?

Your plan of care is determined by your diagnosis, any information we have from a referring physician, and your physical therapist’s assessment of your condition. As far as the specific number of visits, your physical therapist will explain the duration of your physical therapy program at your first session.

What should I wear?

Dress comfortably for physical therapy sessions, ensuring easy access for the therapist to examine areas being targeted for treatment. Good choices of what to wear to physical therapy include loose-fitting, comfortable clothes and supportive tennis shoes/sneakers.

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